
In Design Window

Start Workspace

The goal of this exercise is to dive into InDesign and learn a lot in a little bit of time.

  1. Create an 8.5 x 11 document with 20 facing pages. Facing page? You need to know that!
  2. Open the swatches panel. Panel? There are bunches of panels. You can find them in the Window menu.
  3. Find the tool bar. Find the rectangle tool. We will then open the swatches panel and choose different colors and notice that this affects a square in the tools bar.

We will then use the the rectangle tool to draw rectangles on different pages with different colors.

Results: you get a taste of the power at your control. You learn one panel. You learn one tool. you learn how to navigate pages. These are all essential skills. You will repeat this over and over until you are comfortable!

Application Bar

Menu Bar

Control Panel

Tools Panel

Document Window

Touch Workspace

Screen Mode


InDesign Level 1